A Word of Caution – Just saying or repeating words for a Prayer does not a Prayer make. In other words, I must mean what I Pray to the core of my very soul I must Believe in God’s Promises and His Word – The Holy Bible. I must know that God’s Will has been done when I finish my Prayer. I must accept the Forgiveness and New Life God has given to me. I must Live as a Child of God!
I can Pray the following Prayer or use it for an example to create my own Prayer! But I don’t want to forget the key components of this prayer as outlined under the Salvation and Forgiveness Links.
Salvation Prayer
Lord Jesus, I kneel before you humble and broken. Without seeing, I believe. Through Faith, I believe. I confess with my mouth and heart that you are my Lord and Savior. You came as a Sacrifice to free me from sin on the Cross of Calvary. Three days later, you rose from the grave to give me Victory over Death, a New Life. I am so grateful that you cared enough about me to pay for my sins and through Grace give me Salvation. Jesus, I believe in you. I ask you to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I repent of my sins and truly seek to change my life as I become a Child of God. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from sin. Please forgive me for being a sinner. I ask for you to forgive those who have sinned against me, as I forgive them myself. I pray for you to release my Burdens and give me Peace. I have Faith in your Promises and your Word the Holy Bible. Send your Angels to guard and protect me from those who would seek to harm me or destroy my Salvation. I know my battles will be with principalities and darkness, and as a Child of Light I will overcome temptation. I will falter and I will fail at times. Yet I know, you will be there to support me and give me strength. I will walk in Faith and Trust you. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Fill the void in my soul with your Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter and Guide that will lead me through my New Life. Give me an ear to listen to your direction. Give me a heart to serve you. I surrender my life to you Lord. – In Jesus Christ’s Name I pray AMEN.
I have taken the first step and found Salvation through Jesus Christ. What should I do now?